Narrative Visual Perspective in Digital Media

Multi-Layered Art Project

For the multi-layered art project, I designed multiple layers in Illustrator to laser cut for a light box. The designs were based off of our worlds from English.

Rough sketches:


Click to view assembly video

3D Assembly

Click to view 3D assembly video

Final Lightbox:

Artist Statement:

Space Night

This project was inspired by the world my partner and I created in the worldbuilding unit of English. Our story is set in a space station orbiting Earth, so I took elements of space to create this lightbox. I added stars in the background and waves in the midground, with the focus being the silhouette of the space ring against the moon cutout. It was challenging to think about how the designs would be cut out on paper and stacked together when creating the 2D Illustrator file.

After the physical lightbox was done, I got to learn how to animate in 3D in After Effects. It was very interesting to learn and figure out how to make new effects. I got to use a 3D light in my 3D layer assembly video to make the layers look similar to the physical lightbox.