The humor unit was about learning what techniques are used in works of comedy. We looked at a bunch of different mediums for humor such as plays, books, skits, stand-up, tv shows, cartoons, and movies. We were given so many options for styles of humor to create and a lot of examples for inspiration in that style. I chose to do a stand-up act because I knew I wanted to perform, and I think I’m funny enough for the task. I wrote my script very lack luster because I knew I needed to improvise to make it funnier. My script doesn’t have very thought out jokes, it’s mostly just the beginning, middle, and end of a joke or anecdote that I used to help guide me through telling the joke with improvised words and stylistic choices.


Last year I slacked off before the end of the year and skimmed by in digital media by 0.9%. Getting a job and getting fired. The transformation amounting to nothing

Walking home from school with my bike over my shoulder. How hard it was to get home. Someone calls to me and asks if i need help and doesn’t give it to me.

Relying on parents for the rest of my life,, jk im gonna be rich and famous like every other film major. That’s where a film degree gets you.

Talk about how simple it is to make a movie. Go into detail about how to make a movie and how certain movies still mess it up.

This script is clearly not very well thought out. Like I said, this script is just a guide for my brain to tell these jokes, and while there are some things I forgot to say because it wasn’t a word-for-word script, the rest of my act was made that much better by the fact that it feels more natural. At least that is the excuse I used for not writing such an exhaustive script.

Honestly, when I watch this again, I cringe to myself. It was obviously not well prepared, and my jokes were very lack luster. I had a very generous audience, so thanks class!