

This is the calendar hung on the wall of my room. I frequently like to mark important events on it so as to remind myself of what I have coming up. As of taking this photo, I currently have the exhibition, LAHS Prom, and my showcase presentation coming up within the next couple of weeks. After that, I will be graduating, and from then on my plans are less clear. I know that I will be hanging out with my friends for while they’re still here, as most of them will be going out of state in September. I also know I will be going to Foothill community college next semester. However, I do not yet have all the details of those plans fleshed out, and I think I’ll be making many spur of the moment decisions, especially over the summer. This is why I heavily blurred the next page of the calendar. I will indeed be marking more events on that page soon, but for now, who knows what’s to come next?