Color without color

I snapped this photo when lighting up a candle for a friend’s birthday. The two subjects in the photo were trying to not let the flame go out from the wind while someone was trying to take a picture. This photo was taken with ISO of 100, Aperture of 2.5, and Shutter Speed of 1/50.

Who Inspires You

For me, there is no one specific person that inspires me, but rather my community of people and our experiences. To highlight them, I snapped a picture of a few people in my community being surrounded by a tree. This photo was taken with ISO of 100, Aperture of 5, and Shutter Speed of 1/150.

Your Culture

Although my family and I moved from Tokyo, Japan 10 years ago, we still carry on with our culture of eating rice and miso soup everyday. I took a photo of the two bowls we eat from- miso soup is placed in the left bowl, and sticky Japanese rice in the right bowl. 1/50 f9 …


I snapped this picture during my trip at Half Moon Bay. I was inspired by how you are able to enter somewhere new, somewhere unusual when you encounter an exist. I found this small tunnel on graffiti wall on the other side of the ocean and was so fascinated with where this would take me …


I snapped this picture outside my door of my condo. I always really found the architecture interesting especially when you looked above so I decided to face the camera lens up. I really loved how the windows in different angles and the lines captured in the sky. This photo was taken with ISO of 250, …


I picked out this flower on my walk around the garden in my home. It caught my attention because of how bright it was – I decided to take a close up picture to see what was inside. This photo was taken with ISO of 800, Aperture of 6.3, and Shutter Speed of 1/256.