New Beginnings

Ever since I heard the term “Tree of Life”, I resonate New Beginnings with trees. One of the most ‘New Beginnings’ in my life was when I moved to the United States at the age of 7 from Tokyo, not knowing how to speak or understand English at all. I did not know what to …


I snapped this picture at the Santa Cruz beach where the ocean was washing away many micro-plastics, litters, and rocks along the shore. I thought the big deep holes they were making in the shore looked very interesting, almost like it was making a little home or space for itself along with all the other …

Gift Stories

A few weeks ago I was at one of my friends, Sofi’s house to hang out. It was my first time going to her house so I did not know what to expect. The first thing that struck my attention were the instruments displayed on a coffee table next to the couch. One was a …

White Balance

When I saw the graffiti on these walls, I was inspired to make this photo look retro and like it was taken around 20 years ago. I thought adding warmth made photos look more retro so before snapping this picture, I changed my white balance by adding more warmth/yellow and a tint of green. This …

Leading lines

At the end of the hike I went on in San Fransisco, there was an area with a large pond and lines separating them into four or five sections. I was able to capture this photo when two people were walking along the line towards the center pond, creating depth in the photo with foreground, …

Love Story

I captured this photo when I saw two people sitting together on the bleachers watching the football game during a beautiful sunset. The colors of the sunset really set the tone of a love story and how they were sitting together side by side. Since the sunset light was towards them, I was able to …

Weight or Mass

I was very inspired by how the contrast in color could illustrate that something was more heavy than other. I wanted to try this on my own to create a sense of tension. I decided to use my shower curtains to show the darken shadow of my hands comparing to the light shower fabric. I …

Symmetry Landscape

I captured this photo on a busy afternoon in Washington Square Park. I noticed the benches and lights were very symmetrical with the trees hovering over them, covering the view of the city for the people to get away from and relax. When you follow the leading lines, you are able to see a fountain …