Story Telling


Through my window

Every night as I work on my homework in my room, I look through my window and see a beautiful sunset. As it gets darker I see my neighbors turn their outside lights on. Sometimes they sync together and other times they come on at different times. I really wanted to capture how I saw outside my window through my eyes so I lowered the ISO (lower exposure) to see beautiful sunset color and the contrast between the trees that clearly depict the long branches. Since I have a net through my window, it was difficult to not focus on the net instead of what was outside the window, but using the magnifying tool helped me see if the camera was focusing on the correct area. I really love how this picture turned out because when you first see the photo, your eyes go to the bright lights but then it go up to see the trees and the beautiful sunset behind them.

This photo was taken with ISO of 200, Aperture of 5, and Shutter Speed of 1/40.

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