
The zenith project is a chance for seniors to explore something within their elective. This is our chance to be independent , risky and be responsible for our own work. My zenith project is a carved ostrich egg. I wanted to do something that had to do with an egg. My late grandmother was an extraordinary decorative egg artist and I’ve always wanted to work with that medium especially now since she has passed on. She is the reason I have such a creative artsy side so for my last project at freestyle I wanted to commemorate her.


I first learned how to carve an ostrich egg. I used old scraps of wood to learn how to use a dremmel and how much pressure I needed to apply to cut through it. It was a lot harder on the wood than on the egg, but I think started off with something difficult and going to easier was helpful, even though I didn’t mean for it to be set up that way.

This was my design I created on illustrator. I then tried to transfer my design onto the egg. This took a lot of work and the transfer paper failed multiple times. I then had to enlist the help of a friend to help me transfer it over. After I had my design on the egg I started to carving process. This was the bulk of my project and what I was doing every day.

completed project

zenith presentation


I am very proud of how this project turned out. I would of liked to start earlier and not spent so much time practicing and learning the dremmel. I think that would have helped my time management more.