White Balance

1/125, f/8.0, ISO 320

I took this picture in San Fransisco, and I thought it was a good candidate for white balance because I wanted to try and bring out the warmth from the buildings. The image on the left shows the buildings where I removed Auto WB, and I think it changes the whole vibe of the picture and also makes the image a little more vintage feeling.

Leading Lines

f/1.6, 1/300, ISO 40

This guy sitting on this bench in solitude just looked so mysterious, and I thought that the elements of the tree and the oceanic skyline really tied into this prompt. These elements create a visual illusion of lines extending indefinitely, suggesting a sense of infinity beyond what is immediately seen.


f/3.5, 1/125, 120

I took this picture on a visit to Santa Barbara, and the sunset was so breathtaking I couldn’t help but take a picture. I like how the warmth of the sun really pops, and the reflection in the water is a detail that I really like. The waves and the surfers help by adding a lot more depth and interest to this picture.

Weight or Mass

1/125, f/5.8, ISO 125

In this picture, I was thinking about the massive “weight” that all young people feel about getting older and the pressure of utilizing your youthful years correctly. But, these beautiful elderly people really inspired me to be excited to grow old with my friends and go play the guitar on the beach together.

Symmetry Landscape

1/800, f/5.0, ISO 125

For this landscape, instead of doing a traditional boring shot of a perfectly symmetrical landscape, I decided to take inspiration from the symmetry of the two girls in the center, being perfectly at the halfway-point of the image. The view was breathtaking so I couldn’t help but snap a pic.

Sport Stories

1/250, f/5.9, ISO 3200

For this picture, I took an unconventional meaning to the word “sport”. I took my camera with me to the Beyonce concert, and honestly, this was a big unexpected challenge to photograph with the flashing lights, but I’m really proud of this picture. Beyonce is an athlete in my eyes because the incredible dancing and singing she does blows us all away.


1/500, f/2.8, ISO 800

For the “mood”, I was feeling good this Sunday with one of my best friends, Emmy. She is pictured with a huge grin, displaying her real-life enjoyment of our time together.