November 2023

White Balance

1/125, f/8.0, ISO 320

I took this picture in San Fransisco, and I thought it was a good candidate for white balance because I wanted to try and bring out the warmth from the buildings. The image on the left shows the buildings where I removed Auto WB, and I think it changes the whole vibe of the picture and also makes the image a little more vintage feeling.

Leading Lines

f/1.6, 1/300, ISO 40

This guy sitting on this bench in solitude just looked so mysterious, and I thought that the elements of the tree and the oceanic skyline really tied into this prompt. These elements create a visual illusion of lines extending indefinitely, suggesting a sense of infinity beyond what is immediately seen.


f/3.5, 1/125, 120

I took this picture on a visit to Santa Barbara, and the sunset was so breathtaking I couldn’t help but take a picture. I like how the warmth of the sun really pops, and the reflection in the water is a detail that I really like. The waves and the surfers help by adding a lot more depth and interest to this picture.