February 2024

Golden Hour

1/100 sec; f/4.1; ISO 125

I love the way that the sun hits the trees on this picture. Although you can’t necessarily see the sun, you can definitely tell that it is golden hour through the lighting.

Negative Space

1/100 sec; f/4.1; ISO 125

I thought that the use of negative space in this photo placed a big emphasis on the beads and really encapsulated the warm light that came out of my lamp. I think that the use of negative space is really interesting when considering how it can affect the feelings in a picture.


1/100 sec; f/3.6; ISO 100

This is an image that I took for my profile project in English. I really love the way the shadows in this picture enhance the face of my Profile Subject. This is also one of my favorite pictures because it encaptsures the subject’s whole living space, and really gives the viewer a feel of who she is.