Experimental Film


My concept statement is “disgust through the act of speaking up.” After a lot of research and deliberation, I finally came up with an idea that is very different than the ones I pitched in class, but something that I think will truly capture the essence of this emotional response.

A couple days ago, I stumbled upon an article that talked about how it is possible to take sewage water and purify it to a state where it is as clean as the water we in America drink daily. However, even though it is scientifically proven to be 100% clean, many people have said they would not drink it because the idea of drinking sewage water disgusted them.

This article gave me the idea for my film. The opening sequence will be a series of shots set to trigger the emotional response of disgust in the audience. The sequence will include shots of garbage, rotting fruits, slime, dirt, insects, and dog poop. Along with the shots of these gross items will be shots of a person picking some up and putting it into a bag. The audio behind this will be exaggerated squishing noises in order to evoke more disgust in the audience. The shots will decrease in length as time goes on until the last scene of the trash collecting part of the film is a blender whirring. The screen will then fade to white and a single droplet of water will be heard in the background. As soon as the single drop of water is heard, the scene cuts to the same person holding a glass of water. The camera will then pan to a young child who drinks it.

The purpose of this film is to show even though something might seem extremely disgusting to one person, it can actually be turned into something extremely valuable for someone else.

Going back to my initial concept statement of “disgust through the act of speaking up”, my hope is that this film will also show that in order to stand up for what you believe in, getting your hands dirty cannot be something you are afraid of.

Disgust Through Speaking Up

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