Narrative Website
When we were first assigned this project we were asked to just think of a basic idea or character, it seemed simple enough. Little did we know how much this small idea would eveolve into. With all the storyboarding, the animatics, the drawing and designing adn animating. This story unlike our narrative from last year is mainly dialouge driven, which made story-telling much easier. I decided to make a childrens story because I thought it would be fun, also I knew not to take on too much and too complex of an idea going into my first annimation project.

Omniscient 3rd person

Sammy the Salmon was not like the other salmon. Sammy liked indie rock and glasses without lenses, and if he could he would ride a fixed gear bike. He always liked going against others interests, I guess you could say he never went with the flow. Sammy always wished he could fit in, or that he could find a person who had the same interests. So of course when the time came make the annual trip up the stream, he did not want to go along with the others, he would swim away from the main streams entrance. He found a smaller tributary a little bit away from the mainstream. He took the long journey alone, he felt like he should just turn around and go with the rest of the salmon. But he kept trudging on, he made it up a huge waterfall, he was almost too shocked to respond, he saw another group of fish. He swam up to them as fast as he could go, but they ignored him when he got there. He noticed they liked all the same stuff he did and then one of the bigger salmon noticed that Sammy was wearing glasses without lenses and he had a peets coffee cup with him. He acknowledged Sammy with sort of half accepting nod. He allowed Sammy to approach the rest of the group. All of the salmon were wearing shirts from his favorite bands, and even some of them had coffee cups from places he hadn’t heard of. They became friends and lived happily ever after yayI had never fit in much with my school. My name is Sammy, I am a salmon. I have never liked the same things as the other salmon, I never liked swimming in a school, I liked coffee and I liked indie rock. I was always harassed by my school for being different. Sammy was drifting slowly behind his school, they were on some stupid annual trip to a stream that he hated going up. He didnt even have anybody to talk to on the long swim there. ALl he could think about was getting this over with. As they approached the stream their school teacher told everyone to follow the main stream up to the top, Sammy thought it was stupid to do this every year and instead he decided to go up a smaller stream to the side. He thought it would be fun to be different and rebellious, so he swiftly swam out of sight of the school leader and shot up the first few obstacles with ease, and continued on into uncharted territory. His only thoughts were the song lyrics of his favorite underground band.

Protagonist 1st person

I had never fit in much with my school. My name is Sammy, I am a salmon. I have never liked the same things as the other salmon, I never liked swimming in a school, I liked coffee and I liked indie rock. I was always harassed by my school for being different. Sammy was drifting slowly behind his school, they were on some stupid annual trip to a stream that he hated going up. He didnt even have anybody to talk to on the long swim there. ALl he could think about was getting this over with. As they approached the stream their school teacher told everyone to follow the main stream up to the top, Sammy thought it was stupid to do this every year and instead he decided to go up a smaller stream to the side. He thought it would be fun to be different and rebellious, so he swiftly swam out of sight of the school leader and shot up the first few obstacles with ease, and continued on into uncharted territory. His only thoughts were the song lyrics of his favorite underground band. Omniscient 3rd person Sammy the Salmon was not like the other salmon. Sammy liked indie rock and glasses without lenses, and if he could he would ride a fixed gear bike. He always liked going against others interests, I guess you could say he never went with the flow. Sammy always wished he could fit in, or that he could find a person who had the same interests. So of course when the time came make the annual trip up the stream, he did not want to go along with the others, he would swim away from the main streams entrance. He found a smaller tributary a little bit away from the mainstream. He took the long journey alone, he felt like he should just turn around and go with the rest of the salmon. But he kept trudging on, he made it up a huge waterfall, he was almost too shocked to respond, he saw another group of fish. He swam up to them as fast as he could go, but they ignored him when he got there. He noticed they liked all the same stuff he did and then one of the bigger salmon noticed that Sammy was wearing glasses without lenses and he had a peets coffee cup with him. He acknowledged Sammy with sort of half accepting nod. He allowed Sammy to approach the rest of the group. All of the salmon were wearing shirts from his favorite bands, and even some of them had coffee cups from places he hadn’t heard of. They became friends and lived happily ever after.

1st person antagonist

I had been minding my own business all day, I was on my daily migration to the north alaskan coast to eat lots of berries and hibernate. He came across a small tributary creek. He saw a small glimmer of red, upon closer inspection he saw that is was a small and sad salmon. He couldn’t help but feel bad for the little guy so he had to find the best way to help that he could. “Hey there young man, why the sad face?” The salmon looked terrified by the huge bears presence. Bernie had to reassure him that he was a vegetarian. “I am a vegetarian, I have to interest in eating you.”. Bernie listened to the young salmon’s problems, they were panicked and worried. Bernie felt sympathy for the little guy so he gave him the best advice he could. “Whoa there young man. It sounds like you need a good friend, and some acceptance. Why don't you go back down to your school, Im sure they are worried sick about you. Also just try talking to someone, Im sure somebody has similar interests, and of course you always know where I live now.” The young salmon feeling more confident and happy, left bernie, with a new sense of confidence. Bernie felt happy that he could help someone mature. He continued on his journey north, looking to improve his own life.
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