Narrative Website
The assignment for our seventh unit at freestyle was to create a narrative idea, storyboard it, refine it, then animate it. Each student had to work on their own during this project. We were required to create an animation using Adobe's AfterEffects program, in the past animation units we worked in Adobe's Flash program. AfterEffects is much stronger than Flash and it seems to cover a more wide array of possibilites. Not only can you animate, but you can also edit, create and distort. Also to create this website we had to learn the "PHP" which is often reffered to as a code development language. It is used to control large scale websites or servers because you can create and isolate very small pieces of something larger and then bring them all together, which makes fixing them easier because you simply need to fix one small piece not the entire website. It is also often used in listing data, such as Amazon or Itunes.
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