Narrative Website
During this unit, we were first introduced to technique. When he first explained what PHP was to the class, it sounded complicated, but as we got further and further into the unit, it started to make sense. You essentially break each element into smaller chuncks. You use an important function, include, that makes it possible to bring all the pieces together even if they weren't created together. This makes it far more manageable to create the website because you are able to focus on each section at a time. PHP stand for Hypertext PreProccessor, it can be used in both creating websites and creating servers. PHP is useful because you create through a server. As per usual we started this unit in English, where we were required to think of a narrative idea, storyboard it and make an animatic, we then took it into design. Once into deisgn we were asked to create a book jacket cover to encase our story in. this meant both front and back panels and both the inside front and inside back flaps. Then once finished we have taken in into Web Audio where we were taught many techniques in animation in the Adobe After Effects, we then started production on a rough two minute animation of our sotry that we began in English. This unit was porbably the most challenging and most artistically demanding, but the products that have come out of it are by far the most rewarding.
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