My Family

my parents

My Parents

This is my mom and dad. My mom's name is Carol. She is the person who drives us places and organizes big events. She is a Girl Scout troop leader and she's good at cooking.

My dad's name is David. He travels to Asia a lot for business. He took us to Japan with him once and it was amazing. He will sometimes randomly break out into song and try to get our dog to dance. He's also a good cook.

my parents

My Brother

This is my little brother, Michael. He is in 6th grade and does Tae Kwon Do. He also plays hockey and loves Pokemon, Star Wars, animals, and legos. He is extremely energetic and drives me insane.

my dog

My Dog

This is my dog, Elliot Toby. I sort of named him after the deer from the movie Open Season, but my mom wanted to name him Toby. We ended up naming him Elliot Toby, but we call him Elliot because it's more awesome. Elliot is a lab mix and has a really sweet personality. He enjoys sitting on peoples' laps and being around other dogs. If you forget to feed him, he will follow you around until you remember.



self portrait