This is a diptych. A diptych is a set of two images placed side by side. They interact to create one piece. In our diptych, we were told to portray something about us, whether a personal belief or a perspective on life.

In Design, we were given cameras and told to go out and take pictures of things we thought described us.

seeing things

Seeing Things
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I am dark and light
I wonder how the lines will connect
I hear the rustling grass
I see a black dog
I want to break free of all barriers
I am dark and light

I pretend to be the pencil
I feel the light breeze
I tough the cold metal
I worry about mistakes
I cry when the image escapes me
I am dark and light

I understand the wonder of creation
I say let's create something new
I dream of interacting lines and shadows
I try to see things that aren't really there
I hope to succeed someday
I am dark and light

For my diptych, I chose to capture the idea that something can be created out of anything and that inspiration can be found anywhere. As an artist, I have the urge to create and to create, I need inspiration.

My first picture is of a lamp with the shadow of a dog. This represents my belief that something can be created out of anything.

My second picture is a drawing of a girl and a dandelion in an actual field of flowers. This picture represents my idea of inspiration being found anywhere and that all you have to do is look around.

self portrait
self portrait