Ten Things I've Learned So Far

In English, we made a list of 10 important things that we believe in for the Self-Portrait unit. Our teacher, Mr. Greco, told us to come up with short statements that applied to our lives. It was important not to use cliche statements for our ten things, which meant we had to really think about what we were going to say. After we made our list, we brought it to WebAudio and turned it into a podcast using Garageband. It took a while to record it and add in music and images, but once I was done, I felt good about the results. You can listen to my podcast here while reading the 10 statements I came up with.


  1. Inspiration is everywhere, even in your bathroom.
  2. If you believe in yourself, your chances of success will increase.
  3. Nothing good comes out of thinking too hard. Take it easy.
  4. There is no "smart" and "less-smart". Everyone has potential.
  5. Anything can be turned into a musical insturment.
  6. One little thing makes a huge difference.
  7. The truth is better than the lie.
  8. When life gives you lemons, share them.
  9. Look towards the future. Looking behind you will only make you go in circles.
  10. Being yourself is the best thing you can be.

Although I had my moments of frustration, using Garageband for this podcast was fun. I liked experimenting with the music. I wanted to create something that had a calming atmosphere. It took a while to locate all of my images and fitting them into the podcast was a little challenging.

self portrait