Tell a Lie

Looking at this image you might think, “Wow, that photographer did a really great job capturing the beauty of those models in that image.” However, THERE WAS NOBODY BEHIND THE CAMERA. I placed the camera on top of a mailbox and set a timer of 10 seconds to take a bunch of photos. Setting the …


Most days I associate the word “serene” with my family group chat. My sister named our group chat this many years ago and that is how I first learned about the word. However, I feel the most serene when I am in nature. The beauty of nature has always been very calming for me. I …

Golden Hour

I went to the beach with my friends Brad, Harry, and Marco. We were up around San Francisco just driving around and having fun looking at different areas, and we stopped at a beach to watch the sunset. I don’t remember which beach it was, but it had a beautiful view of the sunset and …


For this assignment, we needed to use a rare lens that only design students possess (aka the macro lens). And so, I embarked on an adventure to secure a macro lens from my neighbor who happens to be a design student. I obtained the lens after an intense fight to the death and proceeded to …


As the title suggests, this photo blog was supposed to be of water. It was a perfect day to work on this assignment as it was a rainy day. After the rain cleared out a bit, I went outside and looked for leaves and plants that had captured water droplets. The photo I took was …

White Balance

The only difference between these photos is a change in the “white balance” setting on the camera. The photo on the left is the standard/original photo which is typically the “daylight” white balance setting. This setting resulted in a warmer and more natural coloring of both baby yoda and the grass. In contrast, the photo …

Weight or Mass

This photo represents visual weight and mass as the viewer’s eye is drawn toward the bright pink flower. The vibrant colorful flower captures the eye of the audience as it deeply contrasts with the dark green background. When exploring different options for photos, I realized that in nature, you can find infinite examples of visual …


This picture represents the mood I was feeling on a late afternoon on a Sunday: tired. And what better way to display the emotion of being tired than using a blanket and pillow. In this shot, I experimented with the use of light, comparing how the image looked using my ceiling lights that lit up …