

I made my illustration on Illustrator, it reflects my character in my short story





Childish ways and habits can stay with a person for their life if they do not break out. In my characters case, she never grew out of being an irresponsible child. The rainbow parachute portrays childhood, its something that many little kids play with by running and hiding under. But this innocent looking toy is holding her down underneath it. She doesn't grow more mature and but instead turns into a mess.
The lyrics "I'm not a monster, I'm just a sick man" and written across the page from Blue Morning by Greeley Estates. Although the "creature" underneath looks like a monster it is really a women having trouble dealing with her life, and in pain. There is a major contrast between the childish parachute and the representation of the person peaking out from underneath. It shows how even something that seems harmless can create something awful.