Short Story


I wrote this narrative story in my English class, its main focus was to create an original main character with an internal and external conflict.


How to Stay on Top of Things

Every ingredient was lined up on the counter in a measuring cup, leveled off to get just the right amount. The liquid measuring cups only held liquid and the dry measuring cups only held dry contents like flour. Eliza always cooked dinner carefully and cautiously. Once every cup was double-checked she could dump it in to her pot, but only how the recipe stated. Eliza’s husband and son made fun of her for it, but she stood by her routines.
Her son, Marcus, was calling her from his room. She looked up then checked the settings on the stove to make sure her food wouldn’t burn while away from the kitchen. Then she turned off the lights, they had no reason to be on when no one was in the room.
As she left the kitchen and rounded the corner into the hallway she noticed something off. The TV in the living room was left on! How long had it been on for? Why didn’t she hear it before? Eliza hadn’t seen Marcus in the living room at all this evening. Was it from before she had gotten home? Eliza’s head began to slightly ache.
The thought that it had been on when no one was there to watch was unsettling. She always made sure that electronics were off when not in use. Not only had it been wasting power, but it was playing is if someone was there to watch it. It could be compared a microwave running with no food in it or newspapers piled up in front of an empty house. The little flashing lights coming from everywhere inside of the TV cabinet along with the speakers playing loud noises from inside the high school shown on the screen distressed her. Within seconds she had hurried over to the other side of the room and turned off the TV, along with the cable and the DVD player, so that all the flashing lights died off.
After taking a deep breath, Eliza finally made her way to her son’s room where after she entered, closed the door and took a seat at his desk.
“Hey Mom, what’s for dinner?”
“Marcus why was the TV still on?”
He could hear the disarray in her voice, it was not unusual. His mom raised her voice in anxiousness frequently and almost never yelled in anger.
“Sorry Mom. I forgot to turn it off when I left to do my homework; it’s not that big of a deal. So what are we eating tonight?”
“You know how I am about those things of things, it drives me insane!”
Marcus rolled his eyes at that.
“Of course I do, how could I possible not.” he replied annoyed.
She looked around hesitantly while picking at her fingernails. This was a habit she truly hated because it took away from her neat appearance, yet it was the only way to cure her fidgeting. Eliza had tried manicures and wearing gloves, but it was a happen she couldn’t break.
“By the way you are also going to need to clean your room… this mess it giving me a headache. I don’t see how you can stand it.”
Once again Marcus rolled his eyes.
“Alright Mom. Bye….”
He was cueing for her to leave so she did. Eliza tried to think back to exactly what she was doing to get back on task. She had to check the food to see if it was ready, rise of the dishes, and place them in the dishwasher.
She entered the kitchen and let out a shriek. The water in the pot had boiled over leaving broth all over the stove and counter. Eliza frantically went to take the pot off the stove. She grabbed for chair to sit down in and took some deep breaths. It did no help, she only began to breath heavier and get more anxious.
Eliza yelled to herself, “Look what I have to clean up, I’m going to be late! I need to get my phone! Where is my phone?!”
Her phone was in her purse, which was on the kitchen counter where she always placed it when she got home from work, but she was incapable of collecting her thoughts at the moment. Her breathing quickened and she became to get a large headache.
To not scare Marcus she lowered her voice, “I’m not going to make it. I’m never able to make it. I’m not going to make it, even though I try so hard to keep myself together. I try to be a good mom, why did I make myself go through this now?”
The house was completely silent except for Eliza talking to herself under her breath. Her phone violently started buzzing inside of her purse, which was only about ten steps away from where she sat. After a few seconds of vibrating in burst out in a fit of beeps that made Eliza clench her teeth. Discovering where her phone was brought Eliza no comfort. The clock in the kitchen right above the table read 7’clock, which meant she knew exactly why her phone was ringing and what the screen said.
It read “Start Drive To Landers Adult School”.
Although she knew, Eliza still had to frantically walk to the counter and pounce onto her purse to turn off the blaring noise. This had almost become a ritual for her. Eliza would leave work and come how right away to come make dinner for Marcus so she could leave to her night class. But something always got in the way, if it was not having enough time or having a breakdown. Eliza stared at the phone in her palm; shameful tears found a way to escape her eyes. Once she was calmer or could at least talk in a normal tone she would have to call the teacher to say she would arrive late, for the sixth time this month.
The room was a mess to her. Several things in her purse had fallen out while she grabbed for her cell phone, water was still spilled around the stove, and the chair she had been sitting in was far from being tucked under the table. Not only was the room a mess but Marcus was unfed. She had put so much effort into staying on top of things ever since he was born. Eliza stood by her routines to get through each day and accomplish every task, but today like many other days found she struggling with everything. Managing her day was always on her mind, but Eliza’s life was far from being under control.