My Friends

The Best People in the World!


Daniella, Lorena, and Mariana

I’ve known Daniella and Lorena since 6th grade, we got to be friends in 7th grade. They’re fraternal twin sisters and they’re like night and day, complete opposites. Where Lorena is loud and extroverted, Daniella tends to be quieter and more introverted. They are both absolutely hilarious and incredibly interesting. They continue to be caring and supportive through everything I go through. They have always made me smile and laugh when I’m in a bad mood, and I appreciate them so much.

I’ve been friends with Mariana since freshman year, her brother and my sister were pretty good friends so we met really early in the year. She’s funny, smart, and interesting and I love hanging out with her. I got the pleasure of participating in her quincenera and dancing with her and her family.

Savannah and Loretta

I’ve known Loretta for 12 years, we’ve been best friends since kindergarten. She has been with me through thick and thin and I am so lucky to have her support and kindness. She is caring, giving, intelligent, and generally an amazing person. We have done so much together and been through so many hard times together that I can’t even imagine how I would have lived without her. I’m am so grateful for everything she’s done for me and I believe we have a lifelong bond that can’t be broken. Though I’ve only been friends with Savannah since 7th or 8th grade, we have become great friends and I’m so happy to have her in my life. She’s fun and positive and she knows how to make an entire room of people happy. I look forward to more great times with her and I hope our friendship will continue to grow.