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I believe in music and in the the beat of the drum
I believe in the beauty of gluttony
I believe in making a wish everytime I see a shooting star
I believe in true love but doubt it will ever find me.
I believe in striving for perfection, even though the road to achieve it is intricate and endless
I believe the world would never be the same place if cookies didn't exist

I belive in singing at the top of your lungs behind the confines of your shower door
I believe in going on crazy adventures to get rid of the stress
I believe in moments where you can be a kid again
I believe that normal is overrated




Hi again. So this is my first ever-podcast, that I created using GarageBand in Web Design. Using this application was a completely new experience, but the process was really new and interesting. I had alot of fun testing out all the different kinds of processes that GarageBand was capable of. This credo is a pretty straightforward embodiement of who I am, but mostly I tried to convey the side of me that's a dreamer and still lost in the past. So this credo is a very brief summary of who I am as a person, and I hope you get a little more insight on me.

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