Narrative Visual Perspective in English

In English, we worked on the worldbuilding project, which was a deep dive into how writers and creators develop worlds that their stories fit into. We did this by studying other authors’ works (including Parable of the Sower) for their worldbuilding elements, and then we were able to create our own world. This was a very fun and very valuable project for me because it allowed me to stretch myself creatively and learn more about how stories and the worlds they are set in work. It was also a fun challenge to work in a group to develop this world and story together. One of my teammates was even sick for the pitch presentation, but we pulled through. Overall, I really loved this project and it was a really good opportunity for me.

After creating and developing the ideas for our world, we created a story that would take place in the world. Our products for this unit were a narrative treatment of this story, and then we pitched this story idea to our class in the cumulative pitch presentation, which you can watch below.

I would like to thank my worldbuilding group, Estelle and Ethan, for working on this awesome project with me, coming up with so many ideas, creating our world and characters, cheering each other on, arguing about small details, and laughing about everything. You guys made it fun.