Category Archives: Story Telling

For the narrative unit of design, we needed to have a good portrait of the author for an about the author section of our book cover. We got to practice self portraits with the many different backgrounds available at Freestyle. This was my favorite photo of photoshoot though I couldn’t use it since I needed a more serious photo for my book jacket. Im so glad I was able to show off this photo to and put it to use!

For modern connivence I wanted to focus on something that I have started to rely on and something I now see as an essential tool in my life, the iPhone. With it i’m able to communicate with my friends and family, learn new things, use maps so I don’t get lost, and much more. As much as I don’t like the idea of this being essential in my life, I have learned to life and appreciate it.

For the deadly sin, I wanted to represent lust. The photo above is a photo I took while helping my friends film for their film analysis class. The film is about lusting over another person who doesn’t reciprocate their feelings. I thought that the warm-colored lighting and the mirror helped emphasize that feeling of lust and longing.

It was rainy after school evening. The sky was a deep blue almost black. Walking out to the garden I picked a fresh Meyer lemon to help my mom make an amazing lemon pasta dish. Even though it was cold and rainy outside, the inside was warm and welcoming just as its always been. I took this picture to showcase the contrast between my warm and light house to the cold and rainy weather that has been raging over the past week.

This New Years I made a resolution to get out with my friends more and enjoy each others company before we go to college. I chose this photo because it is from my first trip of this year. My friends and I drove up to Orange County and spent the weekend at the beach. For this photo, I lowered the shutter speed and raised the ISO to get that blur affect in the car.

For this prompt, I wanted to use two different photos of the same place to compare the differences because of the changing seasons. I love how different seasons can change the feel of places. One of my favorite thing about seasons is the change in color. I love how leaves change from green to red to brown. It’s one of my favorite things in the world.

During the Freestyle field trip to the SFMOMA, I fell in love with this colorful exhibit hung over the ground floor of the museum. It was a bridge with extremely colorful glass around the sides. I loved the color and the positioning of this piece. To change this photo to black and white, I imported it into Photoshop and changed the color settings. I love the way it turned out but I do love the colored image more!

I pride myself on my friends and family. My friends and family are some of the most amazing and influential people i know. So for this photoblog, I wanted to highlight the new friends I was able to make at freestyle and how happy I am because of it. I am so thankful to be surrounded by likeminded people in a safe and artistic environment.

To represent my culture I took a picture of cold beet soup, also known as, augsta supa or biesu supa ar kefiru. My mothers side of the family is Latvian and one way we connect with each other, as well as our culture, is food. Ever since I was a kid I remember making Latvian recipes at family get togethers and holidays. Cold beet soup specifically has a special place in my heart. When my family and I visited Latvia a couple summers ago, my great aunt make a full spread of Latvian dishes. This is when I fell in love with cold beet soup. To take this picture I used the following settings: 800 ISO, 5.6 aperture, and 1/100 shutter speed.

To me, freedom was getting my license. Being able to have the freedom of driving where ever I wanted whenever I wanted made me extremely happy. Something I love to do with this freedom is to go to lookout point. To me, driving is like taking a break from reality. I am now able to drive to these beautiful places that I never really could before. This photo is a photo from foothill park, one of my favorite places to go.
