• Composition


    This image, by far, is my favorite. Using the separate flash module, I was able to create a mysterious and nervous scene. The tilted angle creates a sense of uneasiness which is further emphasized by the darkness. You can only see a few feet in front of you before darkness swallows your view. This sense of knowing so little in a strange environment is exactly what I wanted to capture for this assignment.

  • Inspiration

    Your Habits

    This picture here is of my garden behind my house. My mother mainly tends to it, while I occasionally tend to it when I have finished with all my chores. I feel this best represents my habits as it demonstrates two facts. The first being that I have a routine and a guideline I stick to. The second being that when given a responsibility, I ensure that it will be completed.

  • Composition

    Symmetry Portrait

    In Digital Media, we learned how to use Photoshop to make an object symmetrical around the x or y-axis. We used this to make our faces perfectly symmetrical by the left or the right.

  • Story Telling

    Family and Friends

    I feel like this image tells the story of my mother. This is an image from the Oakland Dragon Boat Festival that my mom’s company participated in, and this is the boat she rowed in. This image represents her tenacity and determination. She initially did not want to row, but realized her importance to her team and stuck with it. This determination and strength both as a manager and as a mother is what I wanted to convey in this picture.

  • Composition

    Fill The Frame

    In this photo, I wanted to create a scene with suspense using the flash setting. Taken at night, the background is pitch black and though illuminated, still contains mystery to it as there is only a small field of vision. Additionally, the tilt of the camera gives off an uncertain and ominous feel to it.

  • Story Telling

    Your Culture

    This photo here conveys a very literal depiction of my culture. The story behind this image and meaning is that because the paper is upside down, luck will be brought into our home. Additionally, the picture is intentionally dark to represent a sort of disconnection from my heritage and culture. I haven’t practiced many traditional practices or festivals, but still feel connected to my ancient culture.