

How do you creatively and truthfully portray a significant person, group, place, idea, or issue in the community?

For the Junior Documentary Project, we were tasked to portray an intriguing person, group, place, idea, or issue through different forms of media (writing, video production, design, etc.)

Aman and Kaavya at a debate tournament

For my documentary project, I was inspired by my friends Kaavya Butaney and Aman Shah, who are debate partners. Their unique relationship inspired me to explore the intersection of friendship and partnership.

In writing the article, we had to understand the different components of a profile article and the format of these components. I really enjoyed writing in a format that was new to me––you can read my article below.

We then re-formatted our articles to fit into a magazine format, I had a lot of fun adding graph elements and colors to create a sort of “identity” for the article.


For film, we began by creating a mockumentary and watching various documentaries to study the techniques used in documentary filmmaking.

Mockumentary Film

We then set off to create our own films. The first step was to write our interview questions and conduct our interviews. After that, we learned that most of a documentary is B-roll (85%!). The documentary structure is somewhat similar to an essay, so editing was a challenge in formatting.

Interview Still

Final Documentary Film

In Digital Media, we used After Effects to produce an introduction video for the documentary.

Documentary Introduction Video