All posts by x

Color Without Color

The image shows my friend and I smiling and standing in a crowd of people.
My friend and I at Ohana Fest

This weekly photo challenge was to take a photo of a colorful story, but without color. I edited this photo of my friend and I from back in September, it is a photo of us after a concert. We flew all the way down to Orange County to go to this show, and I think that the blurriness of the photo adds to the excitement of the day and of the image.

Who Inspires You?

The image depicts a lot of photos of my with my friends and family.
A photo wall in my room of my friends and family.

For this prompt, we were asked to take a photo of who inspires us. For me, there are many people that inspire me not just one. The people that inspire me the most, the people that make me excited to experience life, are my friends and family. The image shows a wall in my room where I have photos with my friends and family. I look at this wall everyday and I am inspired by the things that they have achieved, as well as inspired to live for them and with them.


The image depicts a yard at night lit up with a flash, but large, leaf-shaped shadows darken certain parts of the image.
Photo of my backyard at night.

The prompt for this week was to use our speed lights creatively. For this photo, I knew that I wanted to play with shadows. For this shot, I had my speed light behind a bunch of leaves and took a photo of my backyard, which created some interesting shadows. I think that the shadows and highlights are really interesting in this photo

Friends and Family

The image shows me and my friends posing for a picture, all smiling and goofing off.
My friends and I at Freestyle Homecoming

For this prompt, we were asked to take the photo of our friends and family. I chose this photo of my friends and I because I think it represents who we are as a group really well. While not all my friends are shown, I think that everyone’s joy in this photo shows through really well. My friends are a group that is supportive and excited about each other and whatever comes our way.


The image shows me writing in my journal.
Writing in my journal.

For this week’s photo challenge, we were assigned to photograph a habit of ours, whether it was good or bad. For me, during the past few months, I have attained the habit of maintaining a bullet journal, which helps me keep my thoughts organized.

Symmetrical Face

The image depicts my face with exact symmetry, reflected on the left and right side.
Symmetrical face edited using Photoshop.

Our weekly photo challenge this week was to make a portrait perfectly symmetrical. After taking our portrait photos, we used Photoshop to reflect half of our face to the other side in order to make a symmetrical portrait.


My culture includes cooking and baking foods with my family from old and new recipes.
Baking banana bread from our old recipe book from my grandmother.

Our weekly photo challenge for this week was to take a photo about our culture. I decided to take a photo of my family making food, because it is a big part of how my family connects with each other. Recipes are passed down through generations and collected into one binder, where many of our meals originate from. The oldest of these recipes are originated from our Italian and German culture.