Photo Blog: Tell a lie

The best skater girl – Audrey Hollenbeck. Just kidding she doesn’t even own a skateboard but she is an amazing dancer 🙂 ISO: 200, Shutter Speed: 1/64, Aperture: 13

Photo Blog: Leading Lines with Food

In this image I wanted the viewers’ eyes to be drawn to the cut piece of mango. everything around it contrasts with the glistening piece of mango. The juice in the cracks seem to be calling you do taste their sweetness. ISO: 800, Shutter Speed: 1/60, Aperture: 5.6

Photo Blog: Stranger

A peaceful morning, I had just gotten up and gone outside to appreciate the cool air. The house was silent, my family was still sleeping, I quietly stepped outside and embraced the chilling air. I was about to go back inside but then noticed someone on the lake. I was intrigued to see anyone out …

Photo Blog: Serenity

The lakes of Tahoe splashed and danced as the sun tucked itself behind the snowy mountain tops. I can still feel the cool air flowing through my hair. I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this view. My family skipping rocks in the distant a soft click with each picture taken slowly filling up my …

Photo Blog: Rule of Odds

What could they be looking at? The possibilities are endless. I love this image not only is it a nice memory of showing the Santa Cruz coastline to my family, but each jacket contrasts the other. I use overlay in PhotoShop to bring out the small hints of green in the ground. ISO: 100, Shutter …

Photo Blog: Aging

In a single image, we are able to see all 3 stages that the flowers will go through. Some are just beginning to sprout, others are starting to bloom, and one has started to decompose. Each flower will or already has bloomed on its own time. ISO: 200, Shutter speed: 1/60, Aperture: 2

Photo Blog: #NoFilter

Don’t be shy to show the world who you truly are. Let your true self shine, don’t let anyone shame you into hiding your true self. ISO: 100, Shutter Speed: 1/40, Aperture: 11

Photo Blog: Negative Space

A soccer ball, alone on the field. Was it forgotten? Left behind? All alone on the field. In Photoshop I did my best to make it look like the clouds were parting and sunlight was coming down on the ball. ISO 1600, Aperture 4.5, Shutter Speed 1/395

Photo Blog: Shadow

In this photo I thought that the way the sun hit the chair was very interesting. Because of all the holes in the chair, I found the shadow to be abnormal. The chair is alone with the sun casting down on it, filtering through each hole. ISO 25, Aperture 1.8, Sutter Speed 1/1000

Photo Blog: Anonymous

I covered my subjects face obscuring their most recognizable features. The purpose of remaining anonymous is so that people focus on what you want to say to the world rather than the person saying it. In this image the view immediately understands the message the person is trying to deliver to the world. But what …