Photo Blog: Stranger

Background: snow covered mountains that reach the calm lake

There is a person that is on a stand up paddle board, the leave ripples in the water behind them

A peaceful morning, I had just gotten up and gone outside to appreciate the cool air. The house was silent, my family was still sleeping, I quietly stepped outside and embraced the chilling air. I was about to go back inside but then noticed someone on the lake. I was intrigued to see anyone out this early and captivated by their courage to spend their early chilling morning on the lake. I could only imagine how cold the water was and watched them paddle past me.

I really enjoyed the moments that led up to taking this picture. The small ripples of water that were left behind by the stranger disrupted the calm lake, but it seemed to fit the adventurous background with the snow covered mountains.

ISO: 100, Shutter Speed: 7.1, Aperture: 1/500