Photo Blog: Self Portrait

I’m silly, I’m goofy, I love to make people laugh and I am happy to say that this has stayed true throughout my high school years. I am excited about the future even if I don’t know what is ahead I am ready to meet it with a smile. ISO: 1000, Aperture: 2, Shutter Speed: …

Photo Blog: Modern Convenience

I love food so much but I hate cooking. I don’t know what I would do without all these delicious culinary options at my disposal. ISO: 2500, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/665

Photo Blog: Deadly Sins

The deadly sin I chose to do was greed. There was a beautiful sports car on display and the owner was nice enough to let me take pictures of their car. I changed the color balance to make the photo appear more orange in order to accentuate the colors of the car. ISO: 1600, Aperture: …

Photo Blog: Film Noir

For years this criminal mastermind has been able to evade lead detective Rigby. Until today, this photo is of them in a jail cell after being caught by Rigby. Are they thinking about their past actions or possible escape plans? ISO: 4000, Aperture: 13, Shutter Speed: 1/50

Photo Blog: Long Shutter Speed Exposure

With the beginning of the new year, I enter my last semester of Freestyle. Some of my first lessons had to do with understanding how to manipulate the settings on a camera, to get the photo you want. ISO: 100, Shutter Speed: 10, Aperture: 22

Photo Blog: Silhouettes

Every year the German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV) has a winter festival. Small businesses set up booths and sell the merchandise. There is also an area with carnival rides and sweets. ISO: 640, Shutter Speed: 1/125, Aperture: 2.8

Photo Blog: Color without Color

The edited photo looks like a shot from a Film Noir. Removing the color turns a festive cheery photo, into a serious and dramatic image.In Photoshop I accentuated the blacks and white on the reds and greens of the photo. I also sharpened the pumpkins. ISO: 200, Aperture: 2.8, Shutter Speed: 1/160

Photo Blog: Friends and Family

During Senior Sunrise one of my friends brought a burrito blanket. She wrapped herself in it and we all began laughing because it truly does look like she had been wrapped in a tortilla. ISO: 50, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/120

Photo Blog: Your Culture

My family and I love to hike. During the summer, we visited Norway and did some amazing hikes. This was a fun small hike called Kossdalsvingane in Osterøy, Norway. We started the hike by going down to the lake through 17 hairpin bends (I counted them with my brother on the way down) walked around …

Photo Blog: Flower

I was walking my dog and passed by a house with beautiful flowers that were blooming. The flowers seem eager to meet the sunlight, the tips of their petals are a firey red and as you move to the center of the flower you are met with a vibrant orange. ISO: 250, Shutter Speed: 1/512, …