Rule Of Odds

I have these special flosses which their own unique flavors. I added some contrast to the photo so that the color on the flosses pop. I think the purple mix with the orange really does mix in nicely. Creating the perfect amount of diversity.

Negative Space

I purposely added grain to the image to give it a little more depth to the image. I also added a vignette for more detail. It’s subtle. But if the vignette were to be too over exposed, it would destroy the scale of the photo. I took this photo just right next to a house …

Leading lines

I have a bunch of redwood trees next to my house. This Pitcher also was taken during sunset. So I edited it in photoshop. and then it turns out it look like a painting. Which looks cool. So I kept it that way.

Symmetry Landscape

To be honest, I like the blur. It gives a lot of visual detail to the train traffic lights. Also you can get this nice view of the horizon lights. I’ve seen many photos blurred out like this, in restaurants, and other stores. And I think I’m satisfied with this peace.

Rule of Third motion

I decided to go outside and took a picture of a baseball as you can see. I played baseball before. But that was a really long time ago. I quitted baseball because at one time, I was playing catcher. And I got hit in the stomach. And that was It.