
My mother

My mom and I on the back of a boat getting ready to

para-sail for the first time.

Here’s my mother Alessandra and I in Bellingham, Washington, about to para-sail for the first time. She’s worked at Capcom and now works for Habitat for Humanity assisting people with the application process for getting their home. She’s helped a lot school-wise by getting me a district transfer to Blach when I was in middle school, and she told me about Freestyle which I’m really thankful for. Whenever I need help she’s there, like that one time where she spent forty five minutes applying gauze and hydrogen peroxide to the wounds on my knees and elbows. Thanks again, Mom.


My mother

Here's my dad... I'm not sure exactly what he's

doing but he looks like he's having fun.

No, this isn’t some balding rapper who’s going through a mid-life crisis; he’s just a bald parent who’s going through a mid-life crisis. Don’t be fooled by my dad, Alberto’s, hat. He may appear like a very convincing hip hop artist, but in reality he’s a computer engineer who works at Google. Over several decades he’s made several start ups and worked at different computer technology companies, but regardless of where he works he finds some reason to complain about his job.

My mother

There's my sister covered in facepaint. I don't

want to ask.

Here’s my sister, Camilla. Where do I begin? She’s currently a senior at SF State University and is majoring in cinema. She comes back down to Mountain View for a few days every month or two, but I’m pretty sure she only does so in order to get free food and gas due to the fact that my mom always insists on refilling her tank. She just recently turned 21 and had her "first ever" drink at Chevy's.


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