
My mother

Let me begin by apologizing to you, Marcos, for choosing this picture, but the rest of the ones I could find were of you shirtless in the Bahamas or by a swimming pool and I don’t think anyone wants to see that. Moving on: Marcos has been one of my closest friends since kindergarten at Saint Nicholas, and now he goes to Bellarmine. Although he currently lives in Menlo Park, some of my most vivid childhood memories with him included playing Yu-Gi-Oh in his old apartment at ten in the night while eating waffles with milk. We were pretty tough kids if I do say so myself. We haven’t hung out too much as of late because of distance and school work, but I’m proud to say we’re semi-pros at exploring empty hospitals on the weekend.

My mother

Luc, as shown here juggling flaming torches, has been one of my friends since 8th grade. He likes music that is actually good, such as dubstep or electro, but on the flip side he also loves Justin Bieber and Shakira. Okay, maybe I lied about the latter. Regardless, he’s a junior at Mountain View High, and has an unhealthy obsession with winning prizes in ski races down black diamonds. He loses pretty much every time though, so I don’t mind too much.


My mother

Frank Grabowski, “The G Man”, or Mr. G are just a few of his aliases. Landing on earth from the planet Jailmonia, the dramatic change in atmosphere caused his hair color to change from black to a fiery red, as well as changing his skin color from a deep orange to just Caucasian with many orange dots. He tells people they’re freckles when really they’re remnants of his past. History aside, Frank is also a Freestyle High student, but he’s one of those awful film kids. In certain cases though, his film making skills come in handy, such as when we recorded the epic movie “Cybernetic Cyborg Longboard Warriors from Space”, featuring him, Luc and I.



In this picture, we see Sir Steven Chakerian on a slackline. Like Luc, I’ve known Steven since eighth grade, and we’ve been friends since. I spent almost every single day of my eighth grade summer at his house, and those days usually consisted of me owning him in Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, teasing his pet goat in his backyard, jumping around on his trampoline, walking to Andronico’s at 11:00 at night and buying soda, or going out for lunch at In N’ Out at midnight. That was called the infamous “Midnight Run”, lovingly chaperoned by his brother Paul. His house is basically the only “farm” close by, and while it’s not a true farm, he still has chickens, a goat, dogs, cats, chinchillas, maybe a rooster, and countless other animals.

Sierra Here’s my girlfriend, Sierra. She’s a complete dork, and thinks that koalas are better than panda bears which everyone knows is totally untrue. Even more weird, she thinks that Family Guy is actually a funny TV show, and she dislikes Seinfeld and even says it “isn’t funny.” I don’t understand her reasoning, and I don’t really understand how I ended up going out with this crazy person, but it works out surprisingly well. On a side note, she has a little brother who’s a freshman at MVHS, and I’d write more about him but all I ever see him doing at her house is playing computer games.


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