

10 Things I've Learned So Far


For this assignment, we were asked to think of ten things which we have learned so far, and create a podcast out of it. We originally started this as an english project, eventually forming a paper or two out of it, but we also took the original list of ten and read them aloud. To create this, I used Garageband, as well as the trusty old Google image search. When I first started making my podcast, I was a bit lost as to how I would make my music fit with my tone. I eventually realized that the drumline loops I had weren't coherent with the mood at all, and therefore I chose to use a more calm sounding set of string intruments.


10 Things I've Learned So Far

  1. Don't give advice which you can't follow.
  2. The more money you have, the less you appreciate what's around you.
  3. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.
  4. Do one thing every day that scares you.
  5. Being able to lie is a bittersweet talent.
  6. Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.
  7. Taking a bike ride is the best way to relieve stress.
  8. Most friends come and go, but cherish the ones that stick around.
  9. Anything can be accomplished with enough want and determination.
  10. The best religions in the world are the one you think up of yourself
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