Jerry C | Self-Portrait



Sam is my Canadian buddy who I've played Halo 3 and Wii Bowling with. He is on the Canadian Junior National fencing team and he will be coming to the U.S. to attend the Ohio State University next semester. He's a friendly guy but he does like to do unusual things (note the Superman outfit).


Hao is a Senior at Harvard. He is a talented singer, guitar player, and fencer. I met him at a training camp and had a great time fencing him. Hao is always lively company, especially when we're discussing Transformers, eating fast food, and debating whether garlic fries are superior to Megan Fox.


I met Alexander at my first fencing competition when I was nine. Since then, he's managed to win multiple national championships, the 2010 Cadet World Championships, and the silver medal at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games. He trains and lives in San Francisco.

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“Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason."
Sharita Gadison

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