Funny Images

After learning how to combine images together in Photoshop using techniques like cutting out specific parts of the image and blending the edges, we created two different funny image compositions.

combining 2 images

I combined a photo of my friend Cole at prom and a picture I took while touring UC Berkeley together.

combining 3 images

Using a photo I took of the Steven’s Creek Trail, I added a photo of me from a birthday party crouching on the ground. I also added a photo of a physics project on top of my hands.

Surreal Composition

Using our newly learned compositioning skills in Photostop, we were challenged to blend different images together to create something completely new and unexpected.

final surreal composition!
behind the scenes in Photoshop

For this project, I was inspired by the solar system and wanted to create an alternate version, with similar planets like Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. However, one key difference between them is that in this galaxy, each planet is dedicated to a different building. In this case, Saturn is home to a castle.

Multi-Layered Art

For this project, we could choose between creating stacked wood art, a light box, or stacked ring wood art. I chose to make stacked wood art of a hot air balloon, inspired by the world my group and I created in English.

final product!

My inspiration for my project was the worldbuilding project we did in English and envisioning what transportation would look like in a world without technology like cars or airplanes. I imagined that the characters might travel the skies using hot air balloons. It was challenging to visualize how the different layers would be laser cut when I was drawing the 2D illustration, but I eventually got the hang of it.

Here is the video I created in After Effects using 3D animation to show the different layers of my project.

behind the scenes!

I valued learning about how to produce videos with 3D space in After Effects, and thought the different components like rotating the layers along the z-axis and manipulating the lighting and shadows was interesting.

I also made a video in After Effects that showed the full process of physically putting together the final product.