Photo Blog #30: Habits

A bunch of manga volumes. The manga near the camera is in focus, while the manga is the back is out of focus. The series in Noragami.
It Goes On

For this photo, the theme was habits – and the moment I heard that I knew I wanted to make my photo have something to do with my manga obsession. I have a habit of buying too much (not enough) manga – and then buy more and more shelves when my previous one runs out of space. I’m currently on shelf #4, and I’m hoping that I won’t have to get anymore before I go to college – my room doesn’t have enough space!!

For the photo, I considered taking it from multiple angles. I thought about taking it closer to the shelf, from the side, in order to make it look like the manga was stretching on forever – which is why the photo looks like it does.

I thought a photo of my entire shelves would better illustrate how this is a “habit,” though, so I took multiple photos from farther away. I ultimately decided on the photo above, but I do like the other photos I took, so I’ll add them here.

My four shelves. All of them are filled with manga.
More of an Addiction than a Habit, Really
The top layer of my biggest shelf. You can see my older Ocarina of Time volume. I still need to see if I can find one of the really old ones of volume two, because now-a-days they only sell them together as a set.
Even MORE Manga