
women standing in front of house and bushes medium-wide angle

Her name is Katherine. She was born in Pasadena, CA and currently stays in Palo Alto. She went to SF State and in the past, she used to work in a chemical lab. Now, she is retired and likes to walk dogs, such as our dog. She is a very kind and amazing person.

Tell a Lie

kid hugging a dog looking at the camera

You would think hugging a dog would be heartwarming. Maybe it is for you, but the dog not so much. Usually, dogs do not like being embraced and become stressed. You can search for the signs of stress and see if your dog likes hugs.


man gardening

This is my grandfather doing what he loves, gardening. This is at his own house and to me, this is the feeling of serenity.


2 white pairs of shoes pair on left is new pair on right is old and smaller

This represents aging as a child as you can see there is a new pair and and old pair. The new pair is slightly bigger while the old are dirty and smaller. The old pair can represent earlier years of my childhood while the new ones are current.

Negative Space

small statue of indian god on top of fake grass with house and firepit in background.

This is the Indian god of dance over fake grass in front of a fire-pit. I didn’t have an amazing landscape to work with, but, I think it works in the sense that the statue is almost looking over the grass, as if it were a city.



This is the Indian god of dance. I chose this because of the silhouette as well as the meaning. This is the Hindu god Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer, represented in metal or stone in many Shaivite temples, particularly in South India.