Narrative Visual Perspective in English

In our English class, we focused on creating imaginary worlds. We studied stories known for their detailed settings to get ideas for our own. Working with classmates, we came up with lots of ideas and gradually shaped them into a complete concept. Through discussions, our world evolved, covering everything from the challenges our main characters faced to the background of the society in the region.

This project was super fun ! It was exciting to play around with lots of crazy ideas and watch them turn into something structured and neat. As our world grew, our story and characters became more real. I’m really looking forward to doing more brainstorming and planning like this for future projects. Thanks to this unit, I feel like I have a greater understanding on how to create a world and a story.

In our English class, we finished our Narrative unit by creating multi page story outline and giving a presentation about it. We worked together to make a slideshow that explained our story, and we presented it to the class as if we were pitching it to a group of studio CEOs. Even though we weren’t totally ready, we knew our world so well that we could answer all the questions they asked. It was a really enjoyable and interesting experience.