Negative Space

small statue of indian god on top of fake grass with house and firepit in background.

This is the Indian god of dance over fake grass in front of a fire-pit. I didn’t have an amazing landscape to work with, but, I think it works in the sense that the statue is almost looking over the grass, as if it were a city.

Center Frame Portrait

JBL speaker in sunlight inside house

My speaker that I use all throughout the day being centered in a portrait. I really liked the contrast between the lighting on the top which is overexposed and the shadow.

Leading Lines

An opening of a house alley-way with darkness and light at the end of the alley. Also a slightly blurry sign warning people of a dog.
1/165-f4 ISO100

The picture above shows a straight alley-way, presumably from someones house. The alley is dark all the way until you can see an opening, where it becomes lighter and almost happier. The slightly blurry sign of the beware of dog indicates that you might want to be cautious, almost complimenting the alley darkness.