car dads

dadMy dad’s name is Robert . He Graduated from high school and didn’t go to college. He has worked as a Construction Painter person. He is really crafty. He has built many of the furniture in our house, and the play structure in the backyard. He first married my mom, Claudia, and had two kids with her. My older sister, Jamie, and Me. My mom and him were married for nine years and then got divorced. He then got married to a woman named, Lori. He had one kid with her, my younger half sister Samantha. They were together for about three years and then Divorced. She was a crazy lady and my sister and I didn’t like her. After her he married Nikki, who is my step mom now. They have had two kids together, Jack and Jessie. He is still with her. He has recently started his own business with another man and has a shared company. He loves dogs, and enjoys baseball, and football. He has moved around a lot living in different places. There have been some hard living arrangements but we have all gotten through it.

My Step mom’s name is Nichole. She graduated from Palo Alto High School and then went to Santa Cruise for a few years. After that she transferred over to San Jose State. She now works for the San Jose Unified School District, as a counselor for elementary kids. She has two kids of her own, and three step daughters. She has taught me a lot of things about life, and has helped me through some difficult times.

My little sister, Samantha is in the 3nd grade and loves to have a lot of fun. She lives with her mom half time and our dad half time. I only see her a few days out of every week. We use to fight all the time because she wanted all the attention on her, and hated it when it was on me. But she has been getting a lot better. We don’t fight as much. We have a trampoline in our back yard and I got it was when I was about 10 year old. As she has grown up we have spent a lot of time on that trampoline together. I have taught her how to do tricks, and steel peoples bounces. That’s one place that we can share and have fun.

My little brother, Jack goes to preschool. He lives with my dad and step mom all the time. I only see him half the time because the other half I’m with my mom. He is the craziest little kid. We have so much fun running around t he house, playing sports out side. Just the other day we dressed up like super heroes’ and ran around the house and outside jumping over things, and pretending we were flying. All the time we spend together is with laughs and always fun.

My youngest baby sister, Jessie lives with my dad and step mom and I see her half the time. When I’m with her I help out feeding her, changing her, bathing her, and helping put to sleep. I try to help as much as I can with her because there is always something to be done. She loves to eat, sleep, and poop, what baby doesn’t. She is just starting to hold herself up to things and play around. When I play with her its nothing but laughs and fun times. She has the cutest smile and laugh.

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