car opinion

My opinion number 22 (5-22-07)
My birthday is in one month minus one day

My birthday is in exactly one month minus one day, June 21st. Whoot Whoo. Im excited, I’m going to be 18. This year is a good year for my family. My sister is turning 21, I’m turning 18, my half sister is turning 9, half brother turning 4, and my baby sister already turned 1. I guess it’s only really good for my older sister, the baby and me. Birthdays are a lot of fun and are a great time to spend time with family. I plan to spend my birthday with all of my family and then the next few days spend them with my friends. I have already planned things with my friends that I can only do when I’m 18 so its going to be a lot of fun. Turning 18 is going to be AWESOME. I don’t have to listen completely to my parents and I can do almost whatever I want.

My opinion number 21 (5-14-07)
Shrek 3 is a good movie

Shrek three was a good movie. It came out last weekend. My friends and I went to see it. There were some parts that were hilarious and some that weren’t so funny. I don’t want to give away any of the movie if you haven’t seen it yet but definitely see it. The plot was good; also the new characters were funny. When Shrek, Donkey, and Puss goes to the high school there were some very funny parts, that most high school students will understand. The second and third movies were based on crude humor. Although the crude humor was funny the first one is still my favorite.


My opinion number 20 (5-8-07)
"You am addicted to my phone"

People say that I am addicted to my phone, but is that such a bad thing. I mean if someone texts me then I text them back, if I get a call I’m going to answer it. I don’t think I am addicted to my phone I just think I like to use it a lot. I could go with out it but I choose not to. If I was addicted to my phone I would be on it every second of every day and never put it down. I know when to stop and I know how to stop. I am not addicted to my phone.


My opinion number 19 (5-3-07)
Trust is hard to earn and keep

Trust is a hard thing to earn. When someone breaks your trust it takes you a long time to recover and move on. It takes me a long time to open up to people because I have to trust them before I can tell them anything. If I don’t trust you then I cannot be myself around you or tell you important things. When someone breaks that trust the connection is gone. The wall was broken down. It takes a long time to build it but once its up it feels good, if it starts to crumble and fall to the ground you might get frustrated but then you got to start to build it up again. Trust is a good thing to have and every relationship needs it whether it’s two best friends, a brother and a sister, or a married couple.


My opinion number 18 (4-26-07)
Being a gullible person is a hard life

I am a very gullible person. I believe almost whatever somebody tells me. I think that it is god to trust people but sometimes being super gullible is bad and can sometimes hurt you. When someone says something ridiculous I know that I shouldn’t believe him or her, but when something could possibly be true I might start to believe what he or she says. Just the other day my friend told me that he could bench 300. I thought that was reasonable for a big guy because when my dad was in high school he could bench 275. But then I thought about the person who told me this and there is no way that he could bench that much. But since I am so gullible I totally believed him. Later he told me he was just joking and he could only bench around 200.

My opinion number 17 (4-17-07)
Staying home for the summer, relaxing

Staying home for the summer, having a summer job, hanging out with friends, and family is a great way to spend the summer vacation before college. I don’t want to work my butt off doing more school work and working at a stressful job over the summer because I’m leaving for college. I have three younger siblings who I want to spend time with before I leave, and friends that I am going to miss a lot. I want to be able to be free and do what i want. I am going to turn 18 at the beginning of summer so I will have more freedom. I will be spending a lot of time with friends, family, hopefully a summer job that is not to stressful, and just relaxing in the sun. I think that some people are crazy when the go straight into college, why do that when you are going to be there for four years why not take this summer off and relax.


My opinion number 16 (4-12-07)
Spiderman three was alright

Spiderman three was a little bit depressing. Spiderman kisses another girl, Mary Jane kisses Harry, Harry dies, and Spiderman goes emo. Most people thought this movie were really bad and it was a horrible thought, some people think that it was a great movie. Im stuck in the middle some parts were good some were bad but overall it was all right. I think that some scenes would have been better not in the movie. Like when Spiderman is dancing down the street that was random and weird. When Spiderman was taken over by the revenge thing he turned all emo and his hair was all black. That was a little uncalled for. I think that took away from the actual movie. I think everyone should go see Spiderman and have their own opinion of it was good or not.


My opinion number 15 (4-3-07)
Eatting a medium size cold stone is being Beasty

When you go to Coldstone (ice cream store) there are three sizes. Like it, Love it, Gotta Have It. When ever I go there with my friends we always have to get the Love It size, because we LOVE ice cream. Well two of my friends Jessica, and Lindsey always get the Like It size. Tori and I get the Love It size. This is because Tori and I are beasty. No not fat, and no not ugly beast. Beasty means like arhh like men, we can handle it, and also means super strong. So when we go to ice cream at Coldstone we get the Love It size because we are beasty. Soon Jessica and Lindsey will become beasty but for now they are weak sauce because they cant handle the middle size. Beasty people are awesome. It takes a certain person to be beasty. Not everyone can be beasty.


My opinion number 14 (3-29-07)
The University of Oregon Ducks are better than Oregon State Beavers

Next year I am going to the University of Oregon. There I am going to be a Duck. Oregon State University are the Beavers. Ducks are way better than Beavers. Ducks can fly and quack. Beavers can swim and cut trees down. But Ducks can swim also they eat the fish. They are so much cooler than Beavers cause they waddle and stick their butt up when they go to get their food. Also the colors of OSU are orange. U of O colors are green, although orange is pretty cool and bright, green is a much better color. Imagine an orange beaver… gross. But a green duck that’s awesome.


My opinion number 13 (3-16-07)
Keeping new years resolutions are hard

This year I decided that i was going to keep my new years resolution. My sister and i decided that we would give up all sweets. We gave up icecream, cookies, candy, cake, cupcakes, brownies.. etc. We can still have sugar but not artificially added sugar, for instance we can have juice, fruits, bread, and junkfood as in goldfish. It has been really hard because i use to binge on sugars, i would eat so much and all the time i would be on a perminate sugar high. Since i have stopped i lost weight, some energy, and have gained alot of self control. People think that they can't have any around me but i have become really good and controled my urges. My sister has cheated twice already and that makes me want to keep with it more. Also everyone believes that i cant do it so that makes it easier for me also. I do have about 5 people who believe in me and they are my life support. Whenever i feel like i need to have some i eat crackers and call some of my life supports and just talk to them.


My opinion number 12 (3-07-07)
Preschool children are awesome

I went to a preschool today at 11am. It was so nice to meet all these little kids that were just so happy to be at school. I took a lot of their photographs and got to spend time with them. They then left around 12 and a new batch of kids came in. I meet these new kids and instantly became friends with them. A five year old girl, told me that when she grows up she wants to be a teenager princess dragon. She then kept talking for about 10 minutes going on and on and on. She said that she was , "gong to be made up of all the colors in the whole entire wide world. I am going to be 99 feet tall. I also am going to be a balerina and dance around. also i am going to fly all around the sky and live up in the fluffy white clouds." We then went into the classroom and I took more pictures of the kids. It was such a fun experience and i would much rather be there than at high school.


My opinion number 11 (2-28-07)
My school is lame.

The majority of our school is made up a fake people. Most people at my school have to impress everyone at the school for them to be so called "cool." I think that people need to be themselves. I know people hear it all the time it doesnt matter what other people think, just be yourself, but its true. Our school is pretend, its made up, its something its not. It needs to be changed. there are a few people who are themselves and dont care what everone else thinks and i support them all the way. I think that once you get to highschool your creativeness disappears and you start caring to much what other people think. All that matters is if you look cool, talk cool, and are cool. But what is cool? what makes someone cool? How does one person get to decide what is cool and what is not? To me thats not fair, cool is being yourselve. Doesn't matter what everone else thinks. Be yourselve


My opinion number 10 (2-21-07)
Wearing the same color spandex as the leotard for gymnastics is wrong.

When you have a leotard that is blue with a white stripe at the top you can't wear blue shorts at the same time. The blues have to be different. You shouldn't even if you had two different blues. What you should do is have a white leotard with a blue strip and blue shorts that would be ok becuase the colors are seperated and you can see the difference. Also another idea that you can do is to have a blue leotard with a white strip at the top and then on the shorts have them be the same blue and also have a white strip at the top so then it matches and the colors are seperated and look good. If you wear all one color then you look like you are wear a unitard and that is not very pretty. I had this discussion with the team becuase we were in this problem. We decided we are not going to wear the shorts unless we get a white stipe on the top or they are black.


My opinion number 9 (2-16-07)
Homosexuals are under privileged in society

I think that society makes homosexuals under privileged. Me personally I have nothing against them; I think that they should have the same rights as every other citizen of America. I don’t think that there is something physically wrong with them or mentally wrong with them in liking the same sex as who they are. One of my best friends is bisexual and that doesn’t bother me at all. I know that she won’t try to do anything with me because she knows I’m straight and that is what keeps us close. I think most of society doesn’t accept them because they aren’t like everyone else. I think that some people tolerate them because they aren’t gay and they have no problem with what they are doing but they won’t support them.
I think one thing that society can do to make a step closer on the riddle scale is to legalize gay marriage. I think that it will make homosexuals feel more accepted and I think it will allow for people to understand them. I think that if someone would represent homosexuals and stand up for them then I think things would change. Back in the day white people were racist toward black, until one day people started standing up for themselves and whites realizing they are equal to us. I think later down the road more people will start to become ok with homosexuals and possibly take steps down.


My opinion number 8 (2-2-06):
Gymnastics is really fun

I think that gymnastics is really fun. There are a lot of hard things to do and a lot of fun things to do. Right now gymnastics started and we are in the dance room becuase the basketball gymnastics. Gymnastics is a lot of fun going on the bars and swinging around doing flips. Also running to a object that doesn't move that is like 200 pounds and trying to jump over it. Sounds pretty dangerous but its a lot of fun. Also gymnastics is fun becuase the floor is springy so its easy to jump around and do flips. Gymnastics is super fun.


My opinion number 7 (12-8-06 ):
Horseback riding is harder than you think

Most people think of horseback riding as someone sitting on a horse and doing nothing. They think that the horse does all the work, and the rider just sits there. Well to tell you the truth it is alot hader than you think, and the rider does not just sit there. Most of the time people tell me that horseback riding is not a sport. Well it is. A sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature. Which means that horseback riding is a sport. The rider sits on the back of the horse, and yet has to use his legs to hold on, move the horse, and to stay in a steady position. Then the rider also has to use his arms to steer the horse, make the horse move, or slow down. Also the rider has to move into certain positions over the jumps or around the arena. It all depends on what you are into and what you are doing. But Horseback riding is a lot harder than you think.


My opinion number 6 (12-1-06):
December is awesome

December is the last month of the year. Its the last month to rap up everything. It's the month to remember the great things that has happened. Its the month of love and giving and also getting. In December winter comes. One of the best seasons of the year. Snow falls some places, and a chill brings people together. Also in December CHRISTMAS is here. People have family get-togethers. A time for families to reunite and become one again. Christmas is also a time for giving the people you love a gift from your heart. Its one of the best times of the year because it brings people together. People should still be having family parties and seeing eachother but this holiday makes it happen. Christmas is a time for joy, and giving, and recieving. December is a awesome month.


My opinion number 5 (11-16-06):
I believe making imaginary friends

Two of my best friends were in gymnastics with me. We did everything together. We were best of friends, and had alot alot of fun. So now they are in college, they aren't going to be in gymnastics anymore. We decided that i was going to make up an imaginary friend. She is going to be a combination of Joey and Kelly. Her name is Jelly. Now that this is a big on going joking with them its alot of fun. I dont think that i am going to do things with my imaginary friend but i think that it will just remind me off all the good times we had. And when im all alone in practice then i will remeber them and will think of them alot.


My opinion nmber 4 (11-5-06):
I believe that life is a puzzle waiting to be solved

I think that life is like a puzzle, everything you do is a piece to that puzzle. Going to school is a piece, getting a job is a piece, and so on. There are many things that go into someone's puzzle. No two people's puzzles are the same. Also once your puzzle is done you can mess it up and start over, or you can keep it and laminate it and keep it there as a reminder of all the hard work. I think that some people mess their puzzles up and start a new one becuase either they dont like the first one, its to hard, or the finish and want to do another one. I think this is true to life also. The end of the puzzle is death. When you mess it up and start over you may say your ashes get scattered, when you keep it forever you may be burried in the grave, when you start a new one you may be renicarnted.


My opinion number 3 (10-31-06):
I believe in capturing peoples way of life with a picture

I love to take pictures of people. I rather take pictures of people down town, on the streets, in their houses, at the park, at the mall, or anywhere than to take pictures of nature, or still lifes. I like to take pictures of people because I can capture who they are. By taking a picture of someone you can tell a story, you can tell who they are just by that picture. My friend Joey is really likes to do gymnastics and be crazy, and jsut have a good time. If i were to take a picture of her then I would put her in the gym doing something out of control. I like to go down town mountain view with my boyfriend and ask people if I can take pictures of them. I think it is pretty cool to take pictures of people and capture who they are as a person.


My opinion number 2 (10-28-06):
I believe in having a few true friends rather than a bunch of not so good ones

I think the reason I believe this is becuae I use to have a bunch of friends, that didnt really mean anything to me. I knew their names and where they lived and we hung out, but they werent really good friends. All through high school I jumped around from group of friends to group of friends. Last year i found two really good friends, that liked me for me, and who I had a bunch of fun with. I think it is better to have a few friends that know alot about you and know how you are, rather than having alot of friends who dont know alot about you. When there is a big group of friends there are always a few peole in the group that are closer than others. I use to have a big group of friends and then they turned on me, and didnt like me for me, I had to get away I had to be with people who liked me for me.


My opinion number 1 (10-12-06):
I believe in noise and music to help ease the mind

I think the reason I believe in this is because my whole life there has been noise and music. I've grown up in a big family, and there is always something going on. Also music is the main thing that helps me relax. When ever I'm stressed out i turn on the radio or use my ipod to help ease my mind. I think I have adapted to noise. Some people need it to be completely quiet for them to sleep, or if they are doing work then they cant focus. This is the opposite for me. I need music or noise or something going on for me to focus or sleep. One typoe of music that i can not handle, that stresses me out is classical music. For some reason im not quite sure. But whenever I listen to it it drives me crazy, im waiting for someone to talk. Noise and Music help me to fall asleep, or just be calm in any given situation.

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