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Illustration page

A Chance of Rain

What is an illustration?

An illustration is a visual represenation of an object or being, this doesn't mean its a photo. An illustration is made by hand and drawn out. In our case we found a picture we wanted to use and using our tools we replicated it.

In design we were asked to create our symbol from our essay using adobe illustrator. Throughout the self-portrait unit we've been creating our assignments to revolve around one universal symbol, in my case this was a fortune cookie.

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In my illustration, I chose multiple symbols to represent my personal essay. I represented myself with the melting smiley face. The reason I wanted the face to be warped and abnormal was to represent the conflict of desire reality. The desire for perfection influencing everything that I would do. Slowly being warped by the reality of an imperfect world. Another symbol I used was the rain falling from the clouds. This was meant to be reality. The messy, random patterns as it fell. No organizational system, just nature repeating a predetermined course of weather. All of the streams are unique. No repetition in color or shape. The only similarity being the gravitational pull downward. Lastly my background. The background consists of a messy jumble of lines. Different colors overlapping and meshing to make an impression of time. It is representing the process of art. All the scraped ideas and different edits that are made. They all combine to create a final work of art.

While producing my illustration I didn’t feel I ran into too many problems. I think time restraints affected the production of my illustration. When making my background, I spent a very long time tracing this picture of melted crayons I found online. I thought it was a cool idea to make it rain, however it was extremely time consuming and tedious to execute. Another thing that was not as easy as I wanted it to be was the development of my symbol. I knew I wanted a smiley face, but the regular circle was way too boring. Then while working on the rain, I thought of the idea of having the face “melt” like the rain. So after a lot of freehand drawing I ended up with a melted smiley face that fit perfectly.