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Podcast Page

10 Thinks I've Learned So Far in My Life

In English we were given the task to brainstorm ten short sentences illustrating important life lessons. We then went and found pictures to correspond with the different sentences we had drafted.

  1. Low expectations make success easily reached.
  2. Happiness comes in unexpected packages.
  3. Ducttape doesn't fix all mistakes.
  4. Life is is not black or white.
  5. Don’t compare your second string to other’s starters.
  6. Collaborating doesn’t mean putting out half the effort.
  7. Just keep swimming
  8. Procrastination is delaying failure
  9. Don’t quit because you’re in pain, get something out of it.
  10. Fake it til’ you make it.

My podcast is nothing more than the podcast version of my life so far, in it you'll hear the statements of my life, and what I've learned so far. On top of that the images I chose weren't just random photos taken off of google, these are the images that I see when I read these statements out loud. This podcast is my life in a video in better words.

This podcast was our first introduction to flash. Flash is very unique programs with similiarly unique properties. To add in the photos we would select a frame and insert it and add a keyframe in order to regulate how many second (frames) it would appear for, on top of that we used effects to allow the image to fade out instead of just rapidly changing, which as Mr. Flo would say would be "sloppy". Upon completeting this we were then asked to create original music using garage band. With the use of my keyboard I was able to create music for my podcast, only after a couple failed attempts.


English Media Piece

In English we were told to pick one of the statements from above that best represents us, after doing so we were told to chose a symbol to represent that statement, a symbol that we could connect to. Using and Iphone camera I took my picture and then with the use of photoshop added in the statement you see below.

This symbol came directly from a statement that I felt best represented me, and on top of the symbol was an image that I knew from the moment I chose this statement fit. I would consider it one of my favorite picture I have taken this year.