Category: Story Telling

Self Portrait

I think other people view me a lot like this frog. Many people have said that I look friendly and approachable, much like I felt when I saw this statue in Half Moon Bay. I feel like most people see me as a friend that you can talk to or...

Film Noir

Originally, this photo conveyed a cheery and lush green photo with a stone path, giving off a comforting tone. However by turning this image black and white, the mood of the photo changes to mysterious and scary in a way. What could be at the top of the stairs?


Although storms themselves can be scary and cause a lot of damage, the aftermath is always beautiful. Whether it’s a thunderstorm or a snowstorm like depicted here, storms have a way of transforming our everyday environment into something new and fresh. Here, I showed how different a forest looks when...

The Elements

With the weather becoming colder, my family tends to burn more and more candles. It constantly smells like a pine forest, bakery, or peppermint candy cane in my home. With the stress of cooler weather, holidays, and finals around the corner, a candle almost always helps take the stress off....


The seasons are becoming colder, and that means lots of holiday décor galore. My Mom enjoys decorating our house, and this year our home was adorned with little deer and winter houses. They are pictures here, a representation of the holiday season for me.

Color Without Color

Although this photo may seem like it’s depicting a thunderstorm, however in reality it shows a beautiful sunrise over a green valley, with soft pink clouds dotting the sky. Although one can assume this image holds a sunset and that the grass is a lush shade of green, it’s true...

Friends and Family

This image is a small part of our kitchen windowsill. This windowsill is decorated exclusively by my Mom. She loves to take things from her culture or items she finds along with hiking trails and put them onto her windowsill collection. By this small picture, you can begin to grasp...

My Culture

My Russian background often consisted of simple objects. The cinnamon broom which hangs on our wall, the wooden figures my grandmother carved for me, and an intricate mug with one of my family’s favorite animals on it adorned my living room. We often take these little things and reminisce about...