In my two years of being a student at Freestyle Academy and Los Altos High School, I have produced creative content that represents my knowledge within different mediums of art and design. These are some of my favorite works I created for my classes.

Design Projects


For my Zenith project, I created my own swimsuit brand called “Three Skies”. I loved this project because it was driven by my own passions and I had total creative direction over it.

Movie Poster

I created this movie poster in my senior year of Design class. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the design and I was inspired by a crime/mystery story line that I had written previously.

Brand & Logo Design

In my senior of design class, I created a tea brand called Amitea and designed the logo and packaging for it.

Personal Projects

This is a two-part piece that I created using Adobe Illustrator on my own time. They are titled “Puppet Master”.