• Storytelling

    color without color

    1.6, ISO 500, 1/30 I made this piece of artwork after I came back from the hospital due to health concerns, this piece was a reflection on how much time I had to spend recovering, due to the amount of time spent on details. I feel like this piece can be seen as having color even though none is there because the details pop out to you and cause you eyes to move about the page.

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  • Storytelling

    friends and family

    1.6, ISO 120, 1/300 On a very nice Saturday morning, my friends and I decided to go to Redondo Beach and have a nice picnic in Half Moon Bay, the walk down and back up was not made for the weak so as I was scaling down the mountain at a slower pace than my friends I decided to pull out my camera and snap a nice photo of them and the ocean in the background.

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  • Composition

    fill the frame

    2.4, ISO 100, 1/250 At one of my friend Sadie’s house, her dog comes to greet us from the second-story balcony and manages to stick her little face perfectly between the bar and the cement, but just not enough to get it through, I thought capturing her with my DSLR would be a great opportunity for this assignment.

  • Inspiration

    Who inspires you

    1.6, ISO 120, 1/300 Something that largely inspires me is the cats that live in my area who always come out when I least expect them, they inspire me to go outside and give me company on my long walks. Although most of them aren’t stray they still feel like cats that live primarily outside and remind me of when I was a kid and spent all of my time outside playing, no matter the weather conditions. So when I feel tired, scared, or sad I will still be motivated to go exercise and see the cats.

  • Inspiration


    1/470, f/2.4, ISO 25 There are many cool ways to capture reflections, although water is by far the easiest and most visually appealing in my opinion. One way I captured this reflection was by focusing on the rich saturated color of green that is near the trees which are closest to the surface. It almost makes the water glow, this picture was taken at Foothills Park in Los Altos Hills.

  • Composition

    facial symmetry

    1/60, f/2.6, ISO 80 This project was really fun and simple to create, I got a perfect photo to use of my friend Owen before our football game when I brought my camera to take pictures of the crowd. I simply used my selection tool in Photoshop and reflected the selected area and reflected it horizontally on Photoshop to display the symmetry.

  • Storytelling

    your culture

    1/120, f/1.6, ISO 100 Something in my childhood that has become a staple of my Culture is exploration, During the pandemic the only thing that my friends and I could partake in was biking around our town, exploring and finding hidden treasures and shortcuts that we still use today. This has forever changed my outlook on life for example when I am at home feeling overwhelmed or anxious going outside has always helped me and will be something I pass on to my friends and people I encounter in the future. This photo was composed to show the sunset in the back and the biker who is my friend Owen…

  • Inspiration


    f/4.5, 160, 1/125 When in San Francisco I saw this nice path of palm trees leading down towards a long downwards road, it could signify an exit.

  • Composition


    f/4.5, 160, 1/125 The way this sculpture at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco does remind me of geometry or any kind of math because I am sure they had to plan out a way to include every hand and space it out and measure to ensure it looks pleasing.

  • Storytelling


    f/4.5, 160, 1/125 This flower bed started sprouting out of no where, right after it rained a ton it created a beautiful array of bright springtime flowers