
  • Composition

    color theory

    1/150 f6.0 ISO200 . I uploaded this original image into Photoshop and used color grading to make the mundane colors appear more luminous and bright, I thought this photo was exceptionally interesting because of the natural star that is in one of the tomatoes, using color grading the natural shape was easy to find.

  • Composition

    fill the frame

    2.4, ISO 100, 1/250 At one of my friend Sadie’s house, her dog comes to greet us from the second-story balcony and manages to stick her little face perfectly between the bar and the cement, but just not enough to get it through, I thought capturing her with my DSLR would be a great opportunity for this assignment.

  • Composition

    facial symmetry

    1/60, f/2.6, ISO 80 This project was really fun and simple to create, I got a perfect photo to use of my friend Owen before our football game when I brought my camera to take pictures of the crowd. I simply used my selection tool in Photoshop and reflected the selected area and reflected it horizontally on Photoshop to display the symmetry.

  • Composition


    f/4.5, 160, 1/125 The way this sculpture at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco does remind me of geometry or any kind of math because I am sure they had to plan out a way to include every hand and space it out and measure to ensure it looks pleasing.

  • Composition

    leading lines

    f/3.5,120,1/125 I was pointing my camera out of the sunroof and I snapped this photo and the tree looks really interesting and wavy. But, the most interesting part was the symmetry of the power lines connecting to one tower, it almost looks like a tip of an arrow.

  • Composition

    rule of odds

    f/5, 160, 1/125 My friends and I went to go take some photos at Foothills Park in Los Altos Hills. The dock we went on was beautiful and when my friend turned around to look at the ducks that were close by I decided to take a picture of the pretty tree above the water behind him.

  • Composition

    negative space

    f/6, 1/50, 1/125 When I walked into this cool cafe I walked back to the bathrooms and came across this cool display of artists. I think the interior designer did a really good job at using alignment and negative space to emphasize the images and artists.

  • Composition

    center frame portrait

    f/3.5, 1/60, 120 This is my gorgeous friend Genie who came over to my house to hangout and she found my camera and we took turns taking photos of each-other. I never really thought they would be useful until I saw the photo blog assignment, but I think she looks so cute.

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  • Composition

    balance in holiday traditions

    f/3.5, 1/125, 160 One of my family’s favorite holiday traditions is going to stay in our cousin’s house in Tahoe and for the first year in a long time we received quite a bit of snow. I was the first to wake up so I grabbed my camera and found a couple of trees with just the right amount of snow on them. This was to document how beautiful this place my family celebrates at is.

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  • Composition

    leading lines

    f/4.2, 1/1,000, 160 This is definitely one of my favorite photos ever, It was taken in a town called Raglan which is in New Zealand. I thought that the lines on the two gates on the house kind of led the viewer to the ocean. The color of the house on the left composed with the color of the water, made way for a really good shot.