• Composition

    leading lines

    f/3.5,120,1/125 I was pointing my camera out of the sunroof and I snapped this photo and the tree looks really interesting and wavy. But, the most interesting part was the symmetry of the power lines connecting to one tower, it almost looks like a tip of an arrow.

  • Storytelling


    f/3.5, 160,1/125 Before my friends and I were about to go to a dance I set two of them up to pretend they didn’t know each other and were waiting in the lobby for a job interview. I feel like both of their facial expressions give stranger vibes.

  • Inspiration


    f/6, 200, 1/200 One of my friends and I hiked up to Rancho San Antonio, but the entrance by Mora Dr. But, when we got to the water tower/viewpoint I saw a little path we could take and it led us to this open plateau above a steep drop and lots of trees.

  • Composition

    rule of odds

    f/5, 160, 1/125 My friends and I went to go take some photos at Foothills Park in Los Altos Hills. The dock we went on was beautiful and when my friend turned around to look at the ducks that were close by I decided to take a picture of the pretty tree above the water behind him.

  • Storytelling


    f/6, 160, 1/50. After we had some bad windstorms this house was revealed by a gate that got destroyed. I have never seen this house on my street although I have walked past it countless times. The house and the tree remind me of an old person, It is very pretty and mighty but you can tell it is old because of the details being washed away.

  • Inspiration

    golden hour

    f/5, 160, 1/125 In a town named Russell there is a nice restaurant on the coast named “The Duke of Marlborough” and it had a lovely view and just as we sat down the sun began to set. Henceforth, bringing Golden Hour.

  • Composition

    negative space

    f/6, 1/50, 1/125 When I walked into this cool cafe I walked back to the bathrooms and came across this cool display of artists. I think the interior designer did a really good job at using alignment and negative space to emphasize the images and artists.

  • Storytelling


    f/4, 1/125, 160 This photo was taken in lower Manhattan, New York City the lighting above the black canopy is creating shadows and making the intricate designs on the building pop out.

  • Inspiration


    f/3.5, 1/80, 160 My beautiful friend Mia has the prettiest colored eyes, We were getting ready for Winter ball and I think this photo captures how gorgeous her and her eyes are!