
  • Composition

    balance in holiday traditions

    f/3.5, 1/125, 160 One of my family’s favorite holiday traditions is going to stay in our cousin’s house in Tahoe and for the first year in a long time we received quite a bit of snow. I was the first to wake up so I grabbed my camera and found a couple of trees with just the right amount of snow on them. This was to document how beautiful this place my family celebrates at is.

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  • Composition

    leading lines

    f/4.2, 1/1,000, 160 This is definitely one of my favorite photos ever, It was taken in a town called Raglan which is in New Zealand. I thought that the lines on the two gates on the house kind of led the viewer to the ocean. The color of the house on the left composed with the color of the water, made way for a really good shot.

  • Composition

    symmetry landscape

    f/7.1, 1/200, 160 I took this photo while in New Zealand and it was some of the most beautiful water/landscape I had ever seen, the vegetation was so lush and you could see the sand at the bottom of the water. Although it all looked very uniform and if you split it in half both sides would look the same. I positioned my camera in the middle to create the straight line of water.

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  • Composition

    Rule of thirds motion

    f5.4, 400, 1/500 Over the weekend I went to my boyfriend’s soccer game, I set my tripod up and used my 75-300mm zoom lens to capture the players closer from off the field. For this photo, I wanted to arrange the elements to incorporate the rule of thirds, although without cutting off his leg to the right edge of the photo. I positioned my camera vertically and followed his movement from down the field.

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